Large Succulents
Plants having thick fleshy tissue adapted to water storage are known as succulents. Some succulent plants store water in their leaves whereas those lacking leaves or having small leaves store water mainly in the stem. Deep root system adapted to the desert condition is their characteristic feature. Most of the cultivated succulent plants belong to more than 60 plant families including Aizoaceae, Cactaceae and Crassulaceae. Crassulaceae is the largest succulent family.
Unlike other plants, stomata of succulent plants are scotoactive i.e. they open at night and remain closed throughout the day. This prevents the excessive loss of water during hot summer days by transpiration. As carbon dioxide intake occurs at night, these plants have modified a form of CO2 fixation and photosynthesis called Crassulacean acid metabolism.
Large growing succulents form the foundation to the garden. As they are vigorous, they occupy large space in the garden and after they attain full size, it is very difficult to move them.
Let’s explore 20+ Large Succulents to Grow.
1. Snake Plant
Scientific Name: Sansevieria Spp.
Snake plants can grow up to the height of 2.4 meters in full soil. However, it remains short in pot i.e. 1.2 meters. Tall, blade-like pointed leaves with many color combinations are really attractive. The graceful and stylish appearance has made it really worthy. It performs better in full sun or partial shade condition. Blooming is rare, but may bloom in the spring season. Loam or sand based soil with mild alkalinity is considered best for this plant.
2. Elephant Bush
Scientific Name: Portulacaria afra
Portulacaria afra is a perennial succulent herb. This is cultivated as a low maintenance house plant throughout the world. This plant is also known by the name of elephant food, dwarf jade, miniature jade etc. This plant is considered as an excellent ‘Carbon Sponge’. It absorbs CO2 more efficiently than other plants. This plant can grow up to the height of 8 to 15 feet. Foliage are round to oval in shape and are usually consumed as salad in South Africa. They are also eaten by the elephant. So, they are also known by the name of elephant food. This plant usually blooms in late spring or early summer. This plant produces unostentatious pink or white flowers. Flowers are usually produced in clusters. Pink fruits with single seeds are also observed.
3. Baobab Tree
Scientific Name: Adansonia digitata
Adansonia digitata, commonly known as Baobab tree, is a long-lived tree. It has been reported that some trees often live over 1000 years. This tree being adapted to arid to semi-arid condition is sensitive to water logging conditions. This plant can attain a height of 30 meters and their trunk measures about 9 meters in diameter. It is an excellent source of food having many nutritional benefits. If you want to grow this Baobab plant, you must have long yards receiving sunshine throughout the year.
4. Ocotillo
Scientific Name: Fouquieria splendens
The vase shaped long and thin stems have a unique appearance. It can attain a height of 6 meters. The stem of this plant has got the marble pattern of gray blues with green shades. Usually they are green in color but it gradually turns orange red. This plant usually flowers in summer. So, in summer you can enjoy the beauty of its tubular red flowers which are usually produced in the tip of tall stems.
5. Firesticks plants
Scientific Name: Euphorbia tirucalli
The Firestick plant is commonly known as naked lady. As leaves of this plant shed up early, it is also known as leafless plant. This plant has milky like sap that is toxic to all living creatures. The toxicity is due to the toxic compound diterpene esters. Firestick plants have inconspicuous flowers that bloom for a very short period of time. These plants do not have spines.
6. Joshua tree
Scientific Name: Yucca brevifolia
Joshua tree belongs to the genus Yucca. It really looks like a tree. It is known by the common names like Yucca palm tree, Tree yucca and Palm tree yucca. This plant is mainly confined to the Mojave Desert. Being a fast growing desert species, it grows at the average rate of 7.6 cm per year. This tree is characterized by the top-heavy branch system and has an extensive root system that can go up to the depth of 11 m. This plant has a long life span. Some studies suggested that some species of this plant may survive for hundreds of years.
7. Candelabra spurge
Scientific Name: Euphorbia pseudocactus
This plant can achieve an amazing height i.e. up to 6 meters. The long trunk and branches with spikes resemble candles looking towards the sky. This pseudocactus prefers full sun and unlike other cactus blooming is rare. The Candelabra plant is drought and salt tolerant. Mild acidic to mild alkaline well drained sand based soil are required for the cultivation of this plant.
8. Mother of millions
Scientific Name: Kalanchoe delagoensis, Kalanchoe tubiflora or Bryophyllum delagoense
The name “Mother of millions” is given due to the fact that each offset that falls to the floor gives rise to tiny plants. This succulent plant can reach up to the height of 2.1 meter. Foliage of these plants have different color patterns like greens, browns, violets, purples and blues. These color patterns change according to the sunlight intensity. Unlike other succulents it is fast growing and short lived. The life span of this plant is two years or even more. It prefers full sunlight. Loam, clay or sandy soil with pH range from mild acidic to mild alkaline is suitable for the cultivation of this plant.
9. Spineless yucca
Scientific Name: Yucca elephantipes
This plant grows to the height of a small tree (9 meter) from a large stem which looks like that of an elephant foot. That stem split off into many smaller upright branches on the tip of which numerous leaves are grown giving it a rosette appearance. Leaves are waxy with a glossy surface. Flowers occur in clusters and are bell shaped with white color.
10. Crown of thorns
Scientific Name: Euphorbia milii
Crown of thorns is a slow growing succulent. Despite its slow growing nature it can grow up to the height of 1.8nmeters or even more. This succulent plant has got a soft and spiky stem. Leaves are oval and green in color. Flowers are inconspicuous and the plant blooms throughout the year. However, two pea shaped bright red bracts that surround them have made them spectacular. Crown of thorns can be grown as a hedge plant or it can also be grown in the container.
11. Century plant
Scientific Name: Agave americana
Century plants can grow up to the height of 9 meters. It has got silver blue pointed leaves. These leaves form a round rosette like appearance that remains for a decade. Suddenly a long stem grows above it which is the flower stem and is called quiote. After flowers have been shed, this quiote will break and the plant will die. This is basically a slow growing plant. It prefers full sun.
12. Tree aloe
Scientific Name: Aloidendron barberae
Tree aloe is a giant plant among the succulents. It can reach up to the height of 18 meters. Stems are large with grayish color. Then these branches split into numerous branches giving a rosette like appearance. The leaves of these plants are dark blue-green in color which are pointed and are usually curved at the tips. Flowers are of bright orange color.
13. The African Milk Tree
Scientific Name: Euphorbia spp.
This is a tall succulent plant with a unique appearance. This plant possesses leaves and hence they are not cactus. This plant can grow at the rate of two feet per year and can grow up to the height of eight feet tall. This plant produces white or yellow flowers. This plant has toxic milky sap that can irritate your skin
14. Jade plant
Scientific Name: Crassula ovata
Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a most commonly cultivated succulent plant. This plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors. This plant is taken as the symbol of wealth and prosperity. It can grow up to the height of one meter. This plant develops a more attractive appearance in sunny conditions.
15. Schwarzkopf
Scientific Name: Aeonium arboreum
Schwarzkopf is a perennial succulent plant. It is a hardy plant with a large rosette shaped leaf arrangement. This plant is very much pretty in appearance.
16. Mexican Giant
Scientific Name: Echeveria colorata
It is a slow growing succulent plant that is stemless. Leaves of this plant are long, pointy and white blue in color. This plant can grow up to the height of 30 cm and gains a diameter of 40 cm.
17. Ice plant
Scientific Name: Delosperma cooperi
This plant is popular for its vibrant daisy-like flowers. Most of the Delosperma have a low spreading habit and hence they are mostly used as ground covers. They can also be used as edge plants.
18. Common Houseleek
Scientific Name: Sempervivum tectorum
They are commonly known as houseleeks as they form carpets or rosettes. Individual rosettes are quite small but the plant pops out many offshoots and hence the whole formation looks quite large.
19. Foxtail agave
Scientific Name: Agave attenuata
This is the flowering plant native to west Mexico. It is popular as ornamental plants. This plant can reach up to the height of 50 to 150 cm. Leaves are broad, succulent, ovate-acuminate and less rigid than the most Agave species.
20. Sedum
Scientific Name: Sedum acre
These are perennial plants having succulent leaves and stems. Sedum plants produce clusters of star-shaped flowers. On the basis of growing habits, sedum plants are categorized as low-growing sedum and upright sedum. These plants perform better in full sun.
Large succulent plants are gaining popularity throughout the world. They are gaining popularity not only due to their beauty but also due to their hardy nature. However, it may be difficult to select the best plant. In this article we have explained the features of 20+ Large Succulents To Grow. This may be really worthy for you to choose the best succulent to grow. Most of the succulents prefer bright sunlight. So, placing them in an appropriate position is crucial for their proper growth and development.